TECH. GURUS is a premier educational institute with distinct rating along with maximum number of positive reviews from parents and students.
Since its inception in year 2015. TECH. GURUS has lived up its brand value: “Success is bound to happen”. The Key factor of our institution lies in the full time dedication of our experienced and well qualified faculties in different domains both technical and non technical with efficient teaching methodology for various competitive exams like GATE/ESE, PSUs, SSC JE, UPSC, JPSC, Railways etc.
Recognising the fact that the needs of aspirants are diverse. Although they share a common target of qualifying exams and get top rank, we have now launch a plenty of course to meet their demands.
TECH. GURUS has led the youth to achieve their dream by consistently producing top rankers in GATE/ESE, PSUs and other non technical competitive exams.
5K +
Students Mentored
since 1988
3K +
Students in OFFLINE & ONLINE Classroom Courses (2022-2023)
Years of Excellence
Digital Classrooms
Courses & Fee
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Why Choose Us?
- Highly qualified faculties.
- Strong Selection roadmap
- Magical teaching methodology
- Dedicated educational environment with personalized focus
- Digital learning classes or system
- Our bound Commitments
- Personal assessment classes
- Well equipped facilities having air conditioned classrooms
- Variant batches
- Skills upgrading personality tests
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